Nick Kirsch

physical results

o ears are too clean o at maximum weight o should buy food from Trader Joe’s o try out nasal spray o need to exercise 45 minutes at least twice a week o need to keep an eye on pee pressure o need to regularly check for skin/teste cancer o regular excercise and regular relaxation important o perhaps yoga


The Vet told me that Bailey has a heart murmur. In some ways, that knowledge doesn’t change anything, for I am constantly aware that every time she leaves the apartment I may never see her again. Life is so fragile, so precious and so taken for granted.

utterly incomprehensible

the ability that i have, to listen to music, to feel from it, to allow my mind to wander and dream, recalling old memories and imagining new ones at the same time, my body rocking unconsicously to the beat. my brain being able to process the words that i type as others enter my ears, humming along. being overwhelmed. wow.

the night i called the old man out

I’ve been listening to some Garth Brooks lately; good stuff. Something that just hit me as a parallel is my run-in with drugs. I think I always was afraid of Dad’s anger and when I was finally man enough to talk to him I found that it caused him pain instead. It is very similiar in principal to this song, with the same conclusion – I hope that someday I am half the man he is.