Nick Kirsch

a night with medicine

i received an unexpected call from Brian last night. at first i hestitated to pick it up, knowing that i have lots of work to do but i remembered what i agreed too – which was that he was busy and i would have to go out on his whim. first we went to McMenaminn’s where he ate and we both had a beer. most of that conversation was bitching about being older brothers and having younger brothers who aren’t living up to our idealistic dreams.


Eriko and her family liked my cookies. =) it isn’t as if i have some secret recipe or anything but it was the first time i had ever made cookies. Eriko said her brother and sister ate almost all of them within the first two days. Looks like I’ll have to try making something else. =)


I went to a board meeting of the Puget Sound Network User’s Group last night. I was surprised to find an older crowd and I understand why they are having trouble recruiting new members. They have the same small business, group comradery, all-in-it-together mentality but their focus has changed. I’m more interested in the technology than I am the business and I noticed that they seem to be more focused on the business.


I get a lot of pressure from my friends (certain ones in particular) to hurry things up with Eriko. Set a wedding date, get her over here, etc. Those friends tend to be older or wish they had started a family earlier. I’ve struggled to defend my viewpoint: which is that I’m patient and letting her take the lead so that we both know its what she wants. I’ve used philosophical and pratical arguments which still end up painting me as this loony in-love guy.

a lap cat

Bailey has really impressed me lately. She’ll come home on a pretty regular schedule, sometimes even when I whistle. She wants attention immediately; it is the feeding ritual where I pet her while she eats or offer her food out of my hand. Then she goes onto her bed (Katrina’s mat) and cleans herself or naps. At some point, however, she’ll make little noises to let me know she’s hungry again – or a new thing: she wants some lap attention.

taking the night off

Alex invited me to go bowling tonight but I turned him down. It isn’t that I haven’t taken many nights off this week but there is something about a Friday night at home that I really enjoy. =)