Nick Kirsch

Bank of America my a$$

So I made a mistake and instead of transferring $10 into my checking account, I transferred $10 out of my checking account. This resulted in me being overdrawn by $2. Guess what followed? My lovely Bank of America, who values my business, proceeded to charge me a $40 overdraft fee. I’m not sure you can get any more ridiculus than that. I will talk to them tomorrow but this action only hastens my departure from their greedy institution.

Crunch Time

Matt, a longtime friend of David’s, is in town for a view days. However, I don’t believe I will be able to join him for dinner tonight, as I have some tricky graph coloring to do. My tasks at work are becoming more demanding, so I have less idle brain cycles to contemplate homework related gobbly-gook. But all around, it’s fun stuff. I slept much better last night than the previous week or two, I’m hoping coalition forces have completely routed the evildoers (my cold).

Baby Bash!

My sister Melissa is pregnant! In 9 months, my parents first grandchild will be born and I will be an uncle. Neato! On other news, the doctor told me I was a pansy and I should get better soon. This cold has been particularly nasty.


As I could have predicted, Eriko is not quite ready. ;P Nontheless, as I told her, my arms are open. She may join me whenever she is most comfortable. Heck, if I could complete my degree or find a good job in Nihon, I would move in a heartbeat.


Eriko wants to quit her job and come stay with me. She thinks she’ll come over in June.. How intriguing!

One year ago

I was living in Tacoma with Tae, whose birthday was yesterday. I was in frequent communication with Eriko, having met her in February and anticipating her May visit. Friendly chat turned serious when I decided to ask her to marry me. She said yes. ;P