Nick Kirsch


I’m waiting for my job interview. A bundle of nerves. Trying to remain calm. Excited, nervous, confident, worried. Just a big whirlwind. Feels like a roller coaster, on the way up. ;P Eriko, you are my strength and inspiration. Everything I do, I do for you.

September 11th

I realize this is a day late, but there is a purpose for that. I hope that Americans, including myself, as well as many other citizens realize how fortunate they are. I hope that Americans can realize that with great fortune and power comes even greater responsibility. There seems to be an alarming trend for Americans to shluff off their duties – arms control, environmental regulations, support of indigenous people – I hope this is just something I am seeing with naive eyes.

Sarah Centanni

The newest star in the “Find Nick a Job 2002” made-for-TV series. Approximately 35 minutes of time in which Nick was able to answer Sarah’s questions, speak enthusiastically, and more importantly – slowly build himself up to be the candidate of Amazon’s dreams.

MG sale?

Well, my beautiful MG was being courted pretty heavily last week by a gentleman named John. In fact, we took the MG to a friend of his’ house, where it was prompt jacked up and drained of fluid! John wanted me to part with her for $3500, when he knew my asking price was $4000. I told him $3750, and since then – the cold shoulder! I’m not worried, however. I know my baby is worth it.

Reading material...

OK. If only I could concentrate, I know have a book on Lisp, an autobiography of Linus, Donald Knuth’s Volume 1, Perl 5 in 21 days, Taking the GRE, and Learn Japanese. Come on, Nick. Concentrate.

Japanese class!

Well, since I’m not employed, I might as well make use of some of my time. Being an alumni of my university enables me to audit one class (for free) per semester. Therefore, I will be auditing Japanese 101. This is practice. I rushed through college, eager to get into the workforce. Now that I’m in the workforce, I find that nobody wants to know who I am, just whether the alphanumeric string on my resume matches what their data mining algorithms are looking for.