Eriko has been doing an amazing job recording Jerry’s life up to this point. She tracks his sleeping and eating habits, along with notes about big items for the day. It would be a cool task to translate those into English and post them on Jerry’s website.
I just spent a week in Moscow, Russia.
I don't like that a majority of the Moscovites smoke - it makes everything smell and all the restaurants bother my nose and eyes. I don't like that I can't understand very much - it can be very frustrating. I don't like how crowded the subways are and how pushy the people are. I don't like where the office is; it's a 30 minute commute and the compound is very tightly secured.
Until our beloved Jerry can find a sleeping schedule, I’m finding it very hard to have any kind of routine. Some nights he’s in bed by midnight, other nights he’s in bed by 9 (and in all cases, he’ll certainly wake up several times.) My evenings are completely uncertain - I’m essentially at Eriko and Jerry’s disposal. Couple that with my own lack of internal discipline (i.e. 30 mins of TV vs 30 mins of reading) and I’m losing ground on Japanese and CS GRE study… and let’s not enough mention the complete and utter lack of exercise, especially since (in an effort to have more time at home) I drove to work every day last week.