Nick Kirsch

no more meals

I’ve decided to stop tracking my meals. With Eriko at the helm of the kitchen, I am comfortable that my meals are nutrious and filling. I can’t remember what she makes most of the time (and usually I can’t pronounce it). Should I gain more time in the future, or a better method for inputting meals, perhaps I will resume.

a baby boy!

The ultrasound was conclusive. Eriko and I are having a little baby boy. =)


I’m getting a little overwhelmed with activities lately and as a result, I’m not doing any of them as well as I could be. Japanese, my new position at work, UW, and this diary are all examples of that. I’m going to take a break from the daily reports until I can organize myself better.


A nice, lazy thanksgiving. I got out of bed at 10; Eriko followed about 30 minutes later (she had woken up several hours earlier and eaten, however). We really didn’t do anything outside of the house besides a quick trip (by me) to Safeway for some eggs. Instead, Eriko worked on the baby’s vest and I worked on the computer, read, organized files, and watched TV. We watched “Reading Between The Lions”, which is a very creative reading show (on PBS) that Eriko enjoys.

The 5 temptations of a CEO

choosing status over resultschoosing popularity over accountabilitychoosing certainty over claritychoosing harmony over productive conflictchoosing invulnerability over trust