Nick Kirsch


Today was a busy day, but I don’t remember any of it. (Of course, this entry is written several days later). I do remember coming home for a nice lunch and spending a relaxing evening with Eriko. I read a management book that my boss lent me and got all fired up about work. Sleep was a little more difficult but not impossible.


Today was a very relaxed day. At work, Jane and I purchased donuts for the team and a few of us spent the first hour or so gabbing. I really didn’t get anything done (and I’m not positive anyone else did either) before the whole team left at 11:30 for lunch and bowling. It was our first “team building” exercise and was fun. Everyone enjoyed an activity on the company, and the timing was good.


A busy day. I woke up early (5:45) and studied Japanese before heading off to work. I came home for lunch and had a good time with Eriko. Work was really busy but I managed to squeeze out for my regular lesson with Hideki, which was good. My conversation is still not great, but is getting better. After work, Zack came over to help me test for current from the distributor.


I woke up a bit later today after our long night. I couldn’t stay in bed any longer although I probably wouldn’t have minded too much. I made chocolate-chip pancakes while waiting for Eriko to wake up. She slept in quite a bit longer and was still morose when she awoke. I gave her the consolation I probably should have the night before (by letting her know that we would get the best car seat we could) and left her to her musings.