I slept very poorly and had a hard time waking up; I got poked by Eriko to get out of bed. I had some yogurt and honey and left for work; Eriko was still sleeping. I arrived at work about 7:30 and a few minutes to prepare for an interview at 8. I reviewed some work I had done the day before and had the usual morning meeting. I did some more work on my problem and soon it was time for an early lunch.
I’m up early, Eriko is slow to move. I can’t remember if she made it out of bed before I left (although I think she did say goodbye). I got some work done in the morning, had a meeting, got some more work done, and then it was time for lunch. Zack and I met mom & dad outside of work about noon and we took Zack’s car up to our house to pick up Eriko, who was waiting.
I wake up, after Eriko. However, as soon as I leave the bedroom, she wakes up and complains that she couldn’t sleep because I was snoring! I make pancakes and then start doing some work. I’m making modifications to an allocation library so I can do better tracking. I worked on this most of the day, actually. Eriko woke up and had some pancakes and then rested on the couch. We watched the Mariners game.
We were up pretty early. I took a sleeping aid before bed (my throat is starting to bother me; I’m guessing that the night of poor sleep was a cold taking root) and slept great. Eriko got up too, but she was tired and not feeling so hot. Before too long, she was asleep on the couch. I read my FreeBSD internals book before succumbing to the sandman. We were both awakened unexpectedly by the doorbell – the mailman, with a package for Eriko.
I slept quite poorly. I couldn’t get comfortable; I kept waking up. Hot, cold, etc. Eriko both woke up early and had a pleasant morning together. She was feeling pretty good and so was I. ;) I had another interview at work, and I did a lot of management of bugs. Then it was lunch time. I wasn’t interested in the Shiki train so I headed home. Eriko wasn’t expecting me and hadn’t made lunch but I didn’t mind.
I woke up early and popped out of bed. I’ve always liked waking up early; I just usually don’t have the discipline to go to bed early. With Eriko around, that happens pretty naturally and then it is easy for me to get up! I was hungry and made myself a real breakfast (omelette & bacon). Eriko was slow to rise, but she did wake up before I left. I had a busy schedule at work today; several meetings and several interviews.