Nick Kirsch

progress on the article

i recieved a technical review of my article yesterday; i’m almost finished with my feedback. the reviewer had some good points but he didn’t completely destroy it, so that’s good…

internet access

well…. my desire to be a luddite didn’t make it very far. i get nervous since i’m unable to backup spike/belle and that i’m unable to check on them from home. i realize that this will mean i’m once again going to use the computer more than i should, but i’m going to have to rely on willpower to stop as my obligations do not allow me to be computer free.

what a weekend

it started Friday night when I went with my team to Outback. we had nice time and i was stuffed. after work, i spent the evening relaxing and dealing with my food coma. on Saturday I slept in, then proceeded to borrow a power screwdriver from work so i could put together some shelves intended for my storage locker. having finished that, i proceeded to put together my entertainment center and bookshelf as well.

much better

having slept about 9 hours, i feel much better. Bailey is now on an open-window policy, allowed to come and go as she pleases. i also removed the litter box, hopefully this won’t be a premature move. typically she stops using it for a few days before i take it away but this time it was just too stinky and i want a fresh-smelling snugglenest.

drained and exhausted

i’m going to be real happy to see Bailey tonight, if she’s around. mainly because that means i’ll be in close proxmity to my bed. i am dead tired, a walking zombie. work has been rather involved today (although probably not more strenuous than any other day) and i have to head out for japanese class in a few minutes. my visit home was worth it. to spend a few days with mom and dad, katrina, melissa, kevin, and matthew.


I showed mom and dad the vows Eriko sent me. naturally, they are worried that they won’t be able to understand the wedding.. but i’m excited to learn what those vows mean. =)