Nick Kirsch

habits: Q1

last 15 months, monthly intervals I’m happy to see that almost everything is above 20. You can see the initial enthusiasm followed by the valley of despair on Wake. 🤤 last three months, 2 week intervals always feels like i’m missing on something... 😅

State of the Business

Nick Inc. is a Washington State Corporation and I’m a solo founder. 😳 Why? I’m very lucky! Eriko, Jerry, and Momo; family in the neighborhood (thanks, Katie and Zack!); and an amazing network of friends and advisors in the best city (and best state!) in the nation.  I found a problem I want to solve for customers I love, at the intersection of technology (machine learning and systems) that I want to excel in.

January, by the numbers...

How much intention have I been able to realize in January? A lot, but there is always more to do! My habit hit rate was roughly 80%. This was dragged down by, unsurprisingly, the new habits of Wake and Stretch (50% and 45%, respectively.) That said, I’m adjusting to the earlier start time and making time to limber up. These numbers are going up in February! The only habits I managed to nail completely were Vitamins and Meet, but many others came close: Core (93%), Cardio (93%), Cook (90%) and Swim (85%).

2018 : Intention

Happy New Year! As James is oft to mention, it is intention which sets apart those who make their commitments and those who don’t. That seems more apropos than ever as a theme for this year, so INTENTION it is. (My pal Shawn also often talks of living an “intentioned life”.) Resolutions? Not really. Goals? Meh. Daily habits? Strangely, I resonate. So in rough chronological order, my daily “intention”: Motivational Quotes - every day

2017 - a retrospective

It’s been four years since I’ve done a yearly retrospective and I missed out! Outwardly, many things have changed, but even more so on the inside. 2013 was a year of tremendous personal inspiration, although I certainly didn’t realize what that could mean. This year, I can really feel some of those seeds have come to fruition. Way back in 2013, I discovered a young entrepreneur with views and expressions on the power of habit formation.

all things “work”

I have, of course, two loves in life: my work and everything else. 😇 Let’s talk about the former and catch things up to today. After one last year of awesome with this guy, I left Isilon (EMC) at the end of Q3′15, with no specific plans other than to grow. Over the next six months, I made some new friends, and learned a lot, while spending time at Madrona, UW, and Dato. I spent the next three months falling in (and out of) love with Turi, before my once-in-a-lifetime month down in Emeryville.